Can you still buy Tyrozets?
For over four decades Tyrozets have been one of the most popular and best-selling throat lozenges available in the UK. However, following concerns from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) about the overuse of antibiotics, in 2020 the sale of products containing tyrothricin – one of the active ingredients found in Tyrozets – was reviewed.
In this blog, we take a look at whether or not it is still possible to purchase tyrothricin lozenges in the UK, explore the potential concerns surrounding lozenges that contain antibiotics, and look at the merits of dual action antiseptic alternatives. Read on for all you need to know when you are looking for the most effective throat lozenge.
Is tyrothricin an antibiotic?
First discovered in 1939, tyrothricin is a local antibiotic that is particularly effective against gram-positive bacteria[1]. For this reason, tyrothricin has been regularly combined with benzocaine – a mild local anaesthetic – to create products designed to provide relief from sore throats. This included Tyrozets.
Can you buy tyrothricin lozenges such as Tyrozets?
To put it simply, no – as of 2020, you can no longer buy tyrothricin lozenges including Tyrozets here in the UK. However, as we will explore in more detail later in this blog, there are still a wide variety of alternative, highly-effective throat lozenges that are antibiotic-free. These include the likes of Chloralieve’s dual action antiseptic/anaesthetic Mint Throat Lozenges and Honey & Lemon Throat Lozenges, also available behind the pharmacy counter.
Why were Tyrozets discontinued?
As touched upon above, Tyrozets were discontinued in 2020, meaning they are longer available for purchase in the UK. This followed the decision by the MHRA that antibiotics should not be made available in standard, over-the-counter throat lozenges.
This ruling was made as it was decided that the vast majority of sore throats are caused by viral infections (rather than bacterial infections), making antibiotics an often inappropriate treatment. Not only do antibiotics not help to cure or soothe sore throats caused by viral infections, they can also increase an individual’s antibiotic resistance, meaning some antibiotics may not work in the future when they are given to fight other bacteria-based infections[2]. In this vein, some specialists even claim that lozenges that contained antibiotic ingredients could have been actively fuelling the rise of resistant superbugs for years.
Tyrozets alternatives
With Tyrozets no longer available, what are some of the alternative throat treatments you can use to help your sore throat?[3]
- Gargle with warm salt water
Gargling with warm salt water is one of the best natural remedies for treating your sore throat. Salt is naturally antiseptic, inflammatory and antibacterial, and therefore gargling salt water could help your throat. This treatment is only recommended for those over the age of 12.
- Antiseptic/anaesthetic throat spray
Over the counter throat sprays, such as Ultra Chloraseptic, that contain the active ingredient benzocaine – a local anaesthetic that works to numb symptoms of a sore throat – can be a helpful tool when you have a sore throat.
- Paracetamol and ibuprofen
These two medications are the ones most people keep stocked up in their medicine cabinet because they can be used for so many things. Paracetamol can help to reduce the pain of a sore throat, while ibuprofen can help to reduce any swelling that may be present. While these tablets can be taken together, be sure to take the recommended dose as laid out on the packet by the manufacturer.
- Drink plenty of water
Dehydration can lead to a more agitated throat as your mouth creates less saliva. Therefore, to ensure your throat doesn’t dry out, you should ensure that you’re well hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. The recommended amount is six to eight glasses a day, and this is particularly important when you have a sore throat or a throat infection.
- Lozenges
Throat lozenges are specially designed products to use for a sore throat. Certain varieties contain an antiseptic, which can help to clear an infection without the need for antibiotics. They also contain lidocaine, which can help to numb the area and reduce the pain you’re feeling.
Chloralieve’s Original Mint or Honey & Lemon lozenges are one of the best lozenges for a cough or a sore throat thanks to their dual-action functionality. In fact, they are the Number 1 best selling Pharmacy only sore throat lozenge that fights infection & numbs the pain of sore throats*.
Do antiseptic throat lozenges work?
No matter what is causing your sore throat, from a bacterial infection such as strep throat to a nasty viral throat infection caused by the flu, one of the best ways to soothe this painful symptom is to take antiseptic throat lozenges. These pastels are taken orally and work to kill bacteria at the back of your throat that may be causing or aggravating the problem.
However, here at Chloralieve which is the number 1 best selling Pharmacy only sore throat lozenge*, we recommend going one better when you are suffering with a sore throat by opting for a smart dual action throat lozenge. As mentioned above, dual action lozenges contain both antiseptic and anaesthetic properties. This means that as well as fighting bacterial infection, these medications work to numb the pain of a sore throat. Not only can this relieve scratchy, painful feelings in the back of your throat, it can also make swallowing more comfortable until the symptom disappears and you recover.
While it’s important to note that throat lozenges cannot actually cure a throat infection, what they can do is soothe painful symptoms. Typically, a sore throat will go away on its own after a few days – during which time, lozenges can provide some much needed pain relief. However, if a sore throat lasts more than a week, or other symptoms worsen, you should see your doctor[3].
* Based on unit sales 52 weeks to 01.01.22, Nielson; for verification email customerservices@ceutahealthcare.com
[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/tyrothricin