How honey is good for your health
Created en masse by bees, honey is a thick, sticky golden liquid that is sweet in flavour. It is also available in a wide array of different forms from around the world. Despite being primarily utilised as a food, honey has been made useful for multiple purposes relating to health and wellbeing[1]. But if you’re unaware of the properties it possesses, you may be interested to learn how it could help with common problems and improve simple processes.
Does honey help a sore throat?
Cold and flu viruses can cause a number of nasty symptoms including a runny nose, frequent sneezing, headaches, aching across the body, high temperature and a loss of taste and smell. Another common symptom is a sore throat or cough. When these symptoms strike, it’s important to find a quick solution to avoid feelings of pain and discomfort, and to ensure you don’t temporarily lose your ability to speak.
Due to its antibacterial properties, honey is often recognised as an effective remedy for sore throats. It’s capable of relieving pain, reducing inflammation and healing wounds, making it an ideal natural treatment to eliminate the symptoms of a sore throat or cough[1].
Not only that, but it’s easy to take. Simply mix with hot water, tea or take it by itself. Or, alternatively, you could consider using a product that features honey as an ingredient such as throat lozenges.
Is honey good for acid reflux?
When traces of the contents of your stomach move backwards into the oesophagus, an unpleasant sensation known as acid reflux occurs. It can be caused by consuming a variety of different food groups, so it’s often hard to avoid[2]. However, you could consider using honey as a remedy for this problem.
Although heartburn and acid relief tablets are designed for treating acid reflux, honey can remove the free radicals that damage the cells along the digestive tract and reduce inflammation in the oesophagus[1]. Additionally, the texture is more impactful as it’s capable of coating the affected area.
Does honey help you sleep?
Achieving quality sleep isn’t always easy, but honey is a tried and tested natural remedy for experiencing improved sleep by releasing melatonin in the brain[3]. It does this through the sugar in honey boosting insulin levels. Tryptophan is then released, turning into serotonin and then melatonin. All you need to do is take one or two spoonfuls of raw honey, and the process will begin, encouraging a restful sleep.
Is honey a natural antibiotic?
Throughout history, there have been several natural ingredients used for treating a selection of ailments. Honey is among these components, dating back as far as ancient times, with evidence suggesting that it was used topically to protect the skin and orally as an antibiotic.
Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, making it an effective natural antibiotic. It also possesses a low pH level, allowing it to dry out bacteria, killing it, and a particularly high sugar to prevent the growth of bacteria. However, different types of honey may be more impactful on varying conditions. For instance, acacia honey can benefit diabetics and people who suffer from respiratory disorders whereas manuka honey is widely known for treating wounds and speeding up the healing process[1].
[2] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/heartburn-and-acid-reflux/
[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22869830/ Cohen, Herman Avner et al. “Effect of honey on nocturnal cough and sleep quality: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.” Pediatrics vol. 130,3 (2012): 465-71. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-3075